
Monday, September 14, 2009

You can help to ease their pain

On August 1, Gorja Pakistan Muslims burned down homes of 50 of Christians families. One family of 7 burned alive.

What happened in Gorja, Pakistan is a horrible tragedy. Seven lives were ended early when Muslim demonstrators lit forty Christian homes on fire. International Christian Concern wants to aide these victims by helping people like you send them letters of encouragement. Christians are poor and chastised in Muslim societies like the ones in Pakistan.

A fellow Christian can help lift the spirit of downtrodden brother or sister in Pakistin. Fill out the form below to send the families of Gorja some encouragement in this difficult time. Let them know they're not alone in their struggle to live as Christ wants us all to. A simple word of encouragement from.

Go to here to send a few words of encouragement.

These is run by International Christian Concern.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

2 Piano Teachers

In the last few days, I have decided that I will take up piano. I have wanted to play piano almost forever but never had the opportunity.

My children, have been taking piano lessons. Joel (12+ yo) for the last 1 year and Ethaniel (7+ yo) for the last 4 months.

When I expressed my interest to pick up piano, you should have seen the eager teachers!!! Both of them were so zealous.

"I want to sit beside, Mum," chirped the little teacher

"You move to the other side," insist the bossy teacher

"Mum, Mum, here's what you do," both teachers talking at the same time!

"Good job, Mum," compliments the bossy teacher

"Wow," claps the little teachers

"No! Mummy needs to play this page first before that!" insist the bossy teacher with a sharp look

I was amused.

I noticed the difference between the two teachers. One is so systematic and insist that I begin with page 1 and continue page by page. Whilst the other younger teacher insist that I play the piece he has just finished learning, without looking at the book, just "look at me, like this, Mum!" Obviously my Son thinks that I am some prodigy!! Haha.

How to learn just by looking? After 2 kids, brain cells have decreased in numbers, you know? I have a hard time trying to recall what I went upstairs to take!!!