
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Upheaval Week

The last 1 to 2 weeks has been quite an emotional upheaval for my family and I.

First, Hubby has not been feeling like his normal self. Cannot blame him, he is not normal. He has to cut down on sugary stuff, carbohydrate and many other stuffs which he totally addicted to but absolutely a no-no.

To put myself in his shoes, I guess I have to imagine myself having to abstain from eating Indian curries, Nasi Lemak, Japanese food and all chilli stuff.


That would be almost the end of the world for me. I just loooove all these stuffs.

Pity him.


Of course the overzealous me woke up early in the morning to cook breakfast for him. You know, for all my 14 years of marriage, I have never woken up to make breakfast for him. Mostly because he needs to wake up to go to work at very ungodly hours, like 6.15am. I love my sleep. Especially in the morning.

So, you can imagine me toiling at his breakfast and packed lunch for 1 hour. I was so tired after that. It was wearying me down.... but what was I to do? I was trying to help him with his new diet.

As you might have guessed, I gave up after 1 week!

My Mother was like me, a little overzealous too. We drove around town looking for herbal medications which was highly recommended by others. We purchased 8 pots of the fresh plants from a nursery. We left no stones unturned. We conquered every herbal plant in sight. So, don't go looking for it because I either have it in my garden or in my cupboard *exaggeration added to make it sound dramatic*

We had our church Pastor, Cell Group leader and Members who came to give moral support, encouragement, advice and prayer. I was really touched that my friend, S immediately organised for them to come over after knowing our upheaval week. We needed it.

My Mother also took the request to her church for prayer, worried over it herself and even came to specifically pray for Hubby. You should have seen her pray, power man! How not to feel better? Mother's Prayer. Sure God will listen.. Right?


KC BKK said...

chris,your friend in ICA BKK will also pray for Ivan speedy recovery

claire said...

hi Chris.. i can imagine how weary u r, i love my beauty sleep too but now each working day, i hv to get up at 6am too..
remember one bible verse... about.. when we are weak, we are strengthened...
meaning to say.. (my version) when we face challenges, we feel stronger emotionally..
that was how i interpreted and how i hv gone thru my 12 years of life without my husband....
God bless u and family esp yr husband!