
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Recovery of The Expensive Camera - Part 2

A few weeks ago I shared about loosing and then recovering an expensive camera. To read that story, go here.

Well, this is what happened at the other end ....

Alan (who returned our camera) came back from work that evening. He has a parking lot located just in front of the main block corridor. So, each time he goes to his car and to the lift, he needs to pass this bench, THE bench which hubby left his camera bag.

He saw the camera bag.

He passed the camera bag.

He saw the camera bag, again for the 2nd time because he had to go back to his car.

He passed the camera bag, again for the 2nd time....

He saw the camera bag, again for the 3rd time because he had to go back to his car to retrieve something.

He passed the camera bag.

Now he is curious.

He stopped and picked up the camera bag to inspect it. After some investigative work and yet unable to determine the owners.... He returned to his condominium.

He went into the lift and met Daniel, my neighbor.

He asked Daniel if he owned the camera. Voila!! That's how it all connect back to us... I called Daniel earlier to look for the camera for me.

Is it a coincidence?

I bet you, it isn't.

More like an answer to our prayers.

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